Save The Date!
Youth Advocacy Project’s
2009 Spring Celebration
Thursday, April 30, 2009
6:00—8:00 p.m.
Back Bay Events Center
180 Berkeley Street, Boston
Honoring our partners in the community:
Extraordinary Leadership Award
Stephen M. Pratt
Service to Communities in Need Award
Clementina M. Chéry
President and CEO,
The Louis D. Brown Peace Institute
Featuring entertainment by
The Gil Scott Trio
and a performance by
Ritmo en Acción
Hyde Square Task Force’s award-winning Afro-Latin dance troupe
Please contact Priscilla Duffy at 617-989-8125 or
pduffy@publiccounsel.net, or visit www.youthadvocacyproject.org,
for more information or to purchase tickets.
The Youth Advocacy Project’s mission is to help Boston’s neediest children at some of the most challenging moments of their lives. YAP assists children in delinquency proceedings with effective representation in court, with educational advocacy, with psychological assessments, and with individualized referrals to community resources.
In addition to the traditional YAP Program, YAP also runs the EdLaw Project, providing educational advocacy to children in the Boston community, and produces Community Notebooks, which are books that serve as an informational resource for local professional who work with at-risk youth.
YAP's client base is drawn from this state’s poorest population. More than 95% of YAP’s clients are children of color between the ages of 7 and 21, with 65% between the ages of 12 and 15; over 80% are boys. Over 70% of our clients live in Roxbury, Dorchester or Mattapan, and all are from families living at or below the poverty line. Typically, nearly 80% experience chronic difficulties in school, over 40% are truant, over 35% are chronic substance users, 20% are children of an incarcerated parent, 10% are pregnant or are a parent, and nearly 5% are homeless.
YAP's staff includes social workers, psychologists, community outreach workers, trainers and administrators, as well as attorneys. To be effective in the long run YAP helps each child address a host of concerns, including academic difficulties, mental and/or physical health issues, and the need for nurturing adult relationships and appropriate after-school programming. We are proud to be the first public defender office in the country to adopt what psychologists call a “Youth Development Approach” that addresses the needs of the whole child, not just the needs of the youth offender.
1 comment:
Steve, you're a mensch! Thanks for putting this announcement up on your blog!
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